Henry's hair yesterday morning was all sorts of awesome! Bowie? Flock of Seagulls? You decide.
Happy weekend! It's definitely a happy one over here...this morning I am headed to NYC to spend a few days with one of my dearest friends Emily. Em and I have been friends for almost a decade now and we met many moons ago when we were barely twenty, going to hardcore shows and running around without a care in the world. It's so fun to think back to those days, and even more fun that we've managed to make so many amazing memories since.
And before I go, I wanted to say thank you all so much for the awesome questions you asked in my VLOG post! I'm hoping to finally record part one sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Chicken Nuggets and Family Values. A must-read for anyone. Thank you Melissa for the link on FB.
Have you visited Hooray for Everything yet? Such an awesome new blog.
GroopDealz emailed me to let me know about an awesome promotion they're doing. You know those awesome J.Crew bib necklaces? How about one for $19.99? Awesome, right? I personally like the turquoise and mustard yellow ones best. Be sure to check out there other items too.

I really enjoyed Lindsay's post on her family's trip to CA over on Pollen and Salt.
I've been loving Lesley's Healthy Pregnancy series. This one is great.
Zucchini Bread. My favorite!
I spent awhile last night catching up on one of my favorite blogs.
I am enjoying Ashley's "motherhood" adventures. She's the cutest!
Still loving my Jux.
Vegan, super-healthy sweet potato-cauliflower soup.
I almost always link a Tiny Buddha article here, but for good reason! This one is great too- all about living a less-limited life.
So many cute totes.
Tell me, how is it that I've never had a grilled peach?
A great summer reading list from one of my readers. Thanks for sharing this with me, Amy!
What a simple, beautiful post over on Missi's blog.
One of my sponsors, The Sunglasses Shop, is offering 10% off your first order.
And speaking of sponsors, have you checked out Beauty & the Feast? If you're hungry, maybe wait awhile!
Toasted coconut milkshakes! Oh my.
What is your acne telling you?
And finally, I've been trying to visit some of my readers' blog from my comments every single day! Here are a few of them: one, two, and three. A big thank you to all of you who take time out of your day to read Sometimes Sweet! I love you.
Have a great weekend!