I thought I would share a bit about my first-time experience at CrossFit, in case any of you were thinking about trying it out! I have quite a few friends who are super into it, and they've been encouraging me to try it forever. Like I mentioned in that first post about it, I had a feeling I would love it, but there was always something holding me back. I hate that though. I don't ever want to be the kind of person who has a goal in their mind, or an idea to try something, but doesn't do it. Like I also mentioned, this year I wanted to break out of my comfort zone. Fitness has always been a major part of my life, but I always kind of keep it in comfortable zone, never really pushing myself past what I'm used to. So the other day while I was on the elliptical and talking to Autumn about her morning at CrossFit, I decided to just call up one of the CFs in our town right then and there, and schedule my intro session. They told me that since the whole box (what a CF gym is called, as I later learned) was headed to the CrossFit Games that weekend, the first day I could come in would be Tuesday.
I spent the weekend a little nervous. It was weird, but in a way I kind of loved it because these days I rarely get that nervous/exciting feeling before I do something. It used to be pretty common in my life- I'd feel it every fall back at school or later teaching- but I'd forgotten what it felt like to be so amped up and at the same time, scared to death. The night before I set out all of my clothes, like it was the first day of school all over again. Although the CF I go to has childcare, I didn't want to bring Henry there until I checked it out, so Veronica and Max came over to hang out with H.
My intro began at 9 and I arrived around 8:45 or so. I pulled up to a huge warehouse (my friend Emily had already given me a heads up so I knew what to expect) and sat in my car for a minute, nervous, but ready. When I walked inside I was blown away. Captain CrossFit is HUGE. And beautiful. I went up to the front desk and let the sweet, friendly girl know why I was there. I signed a form, put my things in a cubby, and met my coach, Tim. My stomach was still flipping around but Tim immediately put me at ease. He was awesome and we started off my first day going through some basic exercises and telling me all about CrossFit. I learned that CF is all about doing what is best for you- to make you the best you can be. Everything can be scaled, so for example if you can't do a pull-up, then you use bands so you can keep your intensity up. It's all about executing your workout the right way, at a high intensity. Intro is a one-on-one thing here which was awesome, and made me feel a lot more comfortable asking questions and understanding everything. We ended that first day with a mini-WOD (Workout of the Day), which consisted of rowing 300 meters, then doing a 21/15/9 split of wall balls and pull-ups for time. It was definitely challenging but not a nightmare. My legs, arms and core were shaking like crazy at the end, but when I yelled "TIME!" it was amazing to know I had accomplished it. Tim was super encouraging and right before I started he said, "Take a second. Your life is about to change. Are you ready for this?" I loved that.
I arrived back for my first day of Foundations at 8am the next day, sore from the day before but excited and ready to go. The childcare there is awesome- it's right there, blocked out with a waist-high indoor fence so you can see the kiddos the whole time, and they can see you. They have a million awesome toys and forts in there, and even foam CrossFit exercise gear so the little ones can overhead squat right along with you! Ha! The childcare goes from infant to 12-years old and included in your membership. CC is a family-oriented place (which I love), so they also have classes for kids too, beginning in preschool.
So I arrived at 8am for Day 2 and was met by Tim again. It was just the two of us and he taught me a few moves- we worked on my squat, overhead squat, and two others whose names I can't remember. Afterward we did another mini-WOD and I left sore but happy. Because I was leaving to go out of town, I'll be finishing up my Foundations next Wednesday night and Thursday morning. From there I'll be able to take my first class and do my first real WOD. Scary, but exciting (which I think is the theme here).
Now keep in mind I am brand new and have no real advice to give whatsoever, but if you are thinking of trying it out, I say DO IT! Anything is scary when you first start. I felt terrified to do hot yoga, but now I couldn't be more comfortable whenever I take a class. And if you're feeling intimidated because maybe you feel you're not in the best shape yet, or just feel self conscious, at CC there were people of all ages and body types. I felt such a great, positive vibe, and I bet you will be able to find a place near you with a great ambiance too. I think the key is just trying it out and seeing for yourself!
It's only been two days (perhaps talk to me again once I complete my first real WOD...) but I'm so happy I decided to just take the leap and do it. Hank's going to take his Intro next week, and I'm excited to have something fun we can do together, and something that Henry can participate in once he's older. Most of all though, I'm just proud of myself for doing something I was scared of, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me. I'll be sure to keep you all posted!