Sometimes I take a step back and look at my blog and realize that I talk about the same thing all of the time. Seriously...ALL of the time- but then I don't mind too much because that's just my life. And as I began this post I was going to write "I love this little town of mine," and then thought about how I must have said that before, so I decided to do a google search to see how many times I've said it...and yes, it's definitely been more than handful. But oh well, because you know what? I do love this little town of mine. I enjoy living in a place that completely embraces the holidays, a place where any place we go we are guaranteed to see no less than four people we know. It's that kind of small town. And I adore it.
If you would have spent the day with Henry and me, you would probably be just as tired as I am right now. It was one of those days where at the end of it, I feel like I've run a marathon. It also didn't help that I pushed Henry's nap almost two hours later, which isn't something that works well for a boy who naps like clockwork, and something I never, ever do. It was such a fun day though, filled with out of town friends, good pizza, and great ice cream. Henry and his buddies ran around all over downtown as us Moms tried to get some adult conversation somewhere in between the "NO! Don't climb on that!" and the "Get down from there, right now!" that was constantly going on. Kids are crazy.
And now I'm sitting here, looking at these photos from our day and thinking about how much I love this town. And thinking about how much I say that, and how much I really never expected to either one, love this town so much, or two, say it as much as I do. Time went on though, and I somehow fell in love with a place that I never expected to end up in, and here I am now, inviting our friends to come up and visit as much as possible. I'm also thinking about friends, and how lucky I feel to have all sorts of people in my life- those I talk to on the regular, those I talk to much less frequently, and those I really just keep in touch with online. All important, all wonderful.
So I'm thankful tonight, for a handful of different things. For this town and these friends, and for a day so full of LIFE that I'm crawling into bed feeling like I couldn't go another minute.