I remember sneaking out of bed at four in the morning...
I remember sneaking out of bed at four in the morning, still so dark it seemed green in our living room, as I would stand for a moment taking it all in. Bites in the cookies, half of the milk gone. Presents (so many presents!) under the tree, our stockings down from the mantle filled to the brim with tiny wrapped goodies that were always my favorite part of the next day. I padded around our wood floor in pajamas, looking at everything, while the almost-inaudible whirr of the Christmas village, the tiny ice skaters going around and around, filled the silence between my footsteps. It was magic then, in the green night-almost-morning air, as I sprinted silently back to my bedroom, burying myself in my comforter, and waited out the night until that first sliver of sun popped up over the trees, letting me know it was finally time for our Christmas to begin.
And now Henry gets to enjoy all of this magic too. This is the first year we'll be putting out cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for his reindeer. We rode the Polar Express, and he understood that yes, this is Santa. He'll know what's going on when he goes to bed on the 24th, and when he wakes up the next morning he will know Christmas has arrived! He's not quite at the age where he fully understands the holidays, but he knows enough to get excited and to grasp the idea that all of our family will be in one place, celebrating a wonderful day.
So I ask you, what special traditions do you and your family do? I love to hear about the ways other families celebrate, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or if you don't celebrate any holidays, perhaps you observe the Winter Solstice in a special way, or just mark the season somehow. I'd be so honored to hear about it, so feel free to share below. I think it will be great to read through the comments, and maybe even get some fun ideas to incorporate into our own celebrations.
As for us, we always decorate as soon as December 1st rolls around (although next year I am aiming for Thanksgiving weekend) while listening to Christmas music. We bake cookies, visit Santa, and like I mentioned above, this year we rode the Polar Express which will definitely become a yearly tradition as long as Henry enjoys it.
Now it's your turn...
Happy everything!