Name and blog name: Sammi Sadler-
Age: 24
Occupation: Account & retail Manager at Miss L Fire and Shellys - Shoes!
Age of first tattoo: Too young!
Favorite tattoo: I honestly don't have a favourite! I love them all for different reasons.
Featured tattoo/location: My locket chest piece; with lots of flowers.
Artist/shop/location of featured tattoo: Aimée Lou (one of my best friends, too!) at Bespoke Tattoo in Guildford, Surrey, U.K! Check out her Facebook page and be sure to give her a 'Like' - or even better, go get tattooed by her!

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story about why you chose it, or maybe a special meaning?
Going back a few years, I didn't think I would ever want a chest piece! It was one of those decisions that many people go through when you slowly accumulate more and more tattoos - do I want to have more visible work? I guess I decided to go for it, and I love how my chest piece turned out. I knew I wanted it to have a lot of detail, whilst not being too overcrowded- Aimée's work is often intricate and I adore that aspect of it. I wanted to keep it feminine, colourful and not too personal. I decided on a locket and flowers; both have great aesthetic appeal for me and I knew it would remain super colourful, and something I could smile at when I look in the mirror! After all, it remains the biggest single piece I have and the one I look at the most!

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?
I do indeed! I currently have: one full sleeve with a ship at sea, anchor, teacup, winged locket, lilies, stars, crown with 'Keep Calm And Carry On'' (my British statement!) perfume bottle, and hourglass. I have a woodland half sleeve in progress on my right arm - currently with a deer couple, roses, fox and rabbit. On the bottom of my right arm, I have a lollipop and a pink and green ice cream cone!
I have script across my thighs that reads 'When it rains, it pours', a cute carousel horse on my right upper thigh, traditional rose on my left knee-cap, peacock on my left shin, hot air balloon on the side of my left leg, pin-up girl on my left calf, swallows on my feet, cat tattoo (dedicated to one of my cats, Biscuit - he is dressed up as a Victorian gent! This isn't complete yet) on my right shin, couple in a ships' wheel on my right ankle, 'Everything will be OK' on the sides of my hands, and some teeny tiny things on my fingers (key, heart, anchor etc).

3) Do you plan on getting more?
For sure! I have a lot of appointments already booked in with Aimée for the year ahead.

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?
My family vary in their opinions, but I must say the general view is that they don't like them. My dad in particular cannot stand them, and thinks they can only make a person look worse! However, I am very, very close to my dad and he honestly means the world to me, so I hope this never, ever gets in the way of our relationship. My fiancee, Anton, loves them! He has a number of tattoos and he really wants more - he works in a more corporate environment so has to be a little more careful than I do. He loves my tattoos, too, which is awesome!
Yes, I have run into a lot of negativity. Most of the time, I find people in England mainly give me evil glares, or look me up and down in a rather condescending manner (it drives me mental!). I try not to get too wound up though - at the end of the day, I totally understand why people don't like tattoos...I just don't like being judged for being a tattooed person. I'm a decent human being, I promise!

5) What's the most interesting experience you've ever had in regards to your tattoos?
This is a very difficult question! There have been a lot of random, fun, weird and horrible experiences due to having them...
I was once with some friends going to the Royal Courts of Justice (in London, a bit of culture!) and I was questioned by a security guard working there, as we was certain he recognised me. I informed him I was positive that I didn't know him, and then he came to the conclusion that I was definitely a Suicide Girl and was rather chuffed with himself...Hmm! (I'm not, by the way).
I guess the best experiences I've had are making awesome friends due to the tattoo 'affiliation'. I'm not saying I only have tattooed friends, far from it in fact, but I've met some lovely people through it all!

6) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?
- Find a great artist! This really goes without saying.
- Make sure you can live with whatever you decide to get tattooed on you.
- Understand that your day to day life may not be as easy if you plan on having a lot of work - summer makes things a lot harder for me! Sometimes I really don't give a crap about the evil stares, rude comments or even positive interest, but other days I really, really want to be left alone and I'm not at all in the mood to talk to strangers. Just be prepared for this.
- As well as eating a decent, full meal before your appointment, I recommend taking a good, sugary snack with you when you get tattooed as well.
- Drink plenty of water when you are getting tattooed!
- Enjoy your artwork - I love being tattooed, I love tattoos and I wouldn't be without them for all the tea in China!