my dearest girlfriends for 10+ years, celebrating on Saturday night: Autumn, Erin, Shirley, me, and Alana.
I think sick days should be outlawed on Mondays. Poor Hank...we had the best weekend but then last night around 7pm his stomach started bothering him. We made it home, but around 1am the throwing up started. Yuck. I feel terrible to see him sick, but luckily he was able to stay home today and recuperate. Needless to say it's been a long day taking care of my two guys but now both of them are napping and I thought I'd take a moment to type out a little update.
The weekend was great, and we got to celebrate three of our friends' 30th birthdays on Saturday night. Erin and Alana had a joint party that started in Scottsdale with a scavenger hunt all around town, complete with Hummer limos. Hank and I skipped that activity in favor of stopping by the party later in the evening (we're such old people sometimes) but it was fun to hear all about the wild day our friends had. After leaving Alana's house we went over to Canteen on Mill Ave. in Tempe to meet up with Sarah and friends, and we had a great night celebrating her as well!
It was weird because earlier in the day I popped over to CVS to pick up some cards, and found myself looking at the "sweet 16" cards in serious amazement. I've written about turning 30 probably more times than necessary, but I don't think it was until Saturday afternoon that it really hit me. For some reason those cards made me realize just how long ago my "sweet 16" actually was, and I think I probably stood in that section of the cards for 20 minutes too long, staring wistfully off into space, remembering my 16-year-old self, my sky-blue VW Passat, and how I thought I knew everything. It's insane that was over 15 years ago. Where did the time go? I swear, sometimes I still feel like I'm a teenager and I don't even know how I got here. Deep thoughts from the card aisle, I guess.
But anyway, yay for birthday fun. But not yay for me not taking any photos the entire night with my regular camera. So in lieu of those I have some iphone photos to share from the weekend, as much as I hate to share yet another IG collage. I prefer real, pretty photos to the washed out graininess of phone pictures, but beggars can't be choosers I guess. ;) I'm happy to at least have these.
I hope you had a great weekend! xoxo

Henry kills me with his cuteness // family photo // a delicious. super healthy pizza at my Mom's // Sar and me //
Auntie Lo and H. shopping at Whole Foods // heading out on Sunday morning // Sunday dinner - garden
fresh veggies and quinoa // some of my favorite people - Nat and Sar // Grandpa, Grammy and Henry