Also understand that this isn't an attack on the Second Amendment. This isn't a call to get rid of all guns or to take away someone's right to self-defense. This is simply a call to be reasonable. Certainly there can be such a thing as too much. Let's make some reasonable change for the good of all.
A few facts to think about:
- In the United States, 31,224 people die from gun violence each year and 66,768 other people are injured by guns yet survive. [Compare that to England (39); Canada (200); Finland (17); Australia (35); Spain (60); Germany (194)]
- A gun in the home increases the chance of being killed by a firearm 72%
- A gun in the home is responsible for a vast majority of children killed by firearms
- A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a suicide, homicide or accident than to be used in self-defense
- A gun in the home triples the risk of homicide
- A gun in the home increases the likelihood of suicide five fold
- An abused woman is 6 times more likely to be murdered if there is a gun in the home
A final thought for those who think that the solution is more guns:
- Columbine had two armed guards
- Virginia Tech had its own police department
- In 2009, at Fort Hood, the shooter walked into a heavily armed and weaponized military base with armed and trained soldiers everywhere. They did not stop him from killing 13 and wounding another 24. More guns are not the answer.