“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." -L.M. Montgomery
October is one of my favorite months, and Halloween in our town is always a big affair. We have events leading up to the big day all month, which I love. And this year was the best yet! It was Henry's 2nd Halloween and it was awesome to watch him get so excited over just about everything. I think my heart melted into a big puddle about a million times watching him say "trick or treat!" while he held out that orange pumpkin.
Henry and I went to CrossFit in the morning, then came home so he could take a long afternoon nap to gear up for our evening. We headed out around 4pm to beat the rush of older kids and I'm glad, because as we finished up around 5:30 it got insanely crowded. Afterward we stopped by both sets of local grandparents and then headed home to put a super sleepy little guy to bed.
I absolutely loved Hank and Henry's costumes! Silly me planned on being a waitress of some sort to go along with the guys but I didn't get a good costume together so instead I was a last-minute sailor. Mark my words, next year we will have a much better 3-person get up! We trick-or-treated with Veronica and her family and little Max was a Grill Master and Trevor wore Hank's hot dog costume from last year to go along with our Dad/son food/chef theme. Veronica was a last-minute devil, so we were both the odd ones out but didn't mind too much!
We walked up and down the streets, which are closed off from 4pm until the evening, trick-or-treating and running into tons of friends. It was really a wonderful night and reminded me yet again how much I love living in a small town...and more specifically, this one. I feel very lucky to be surrounded by so much beauty, and so much excitement over holidays. It's pretty awesome.
I hope all of you had a happy, happy Halloween too. It's hard to believe it's November!