I'd say the highlight so far would have to be Sesame Street Live. A big group of us went with all the kiddos and it was so, so great. Hank and I might have been the only parents in the audience crying though- we are both so sappy and got overwhelmed watching Henry's joy and excitement over being so close to the characters. When I mouthed "I'm crying!" to Hank over Henry's head, and he responded with "ahh, me too!" it was definitely one of those funny moments I'll be filing away right along with Henry's adorable first reaction when Big Bird came out. It made my heart melt into a huge, huge puddle right there in the arena and I don't think I recovered it until the very end of the show. It was such a fun night and one of my favorite parenting moments yet. Who knew Big Bird and Elmo could ellicit such emotion?!
This week we've also kept busy doing arts and crafts. After watching this video over on Small Fry, Henry exclaimed "I paint too, Mommy!" So I got out the watercolors and we created some masterpieces. Henry was partial to the reds and blues and it was so fun to watch him figure out how it all worked. His art is now proudly hanging on display in his room and on the fridge, and this morning he stopped and said "I made that!" with a huge smile on his face. Before I become a parent I would think about moments like these, and it's pretty darn awesome to see them come to life.

This week has been full of some good outdoor time too. We've been trying to soak up every bit of the fall before our cold winter sets in and snow keeps us bundled up inside. We're lucky enough to have a couple of great parks close by so we can either walk or drive right down the road. Although whenever I really take a look around, I feel like parks are the biggest toddler hazard in the world. All of those places to fall from, hard bars to knock your mouth into, slides to go down haphazardly...it all gives me a bit of anxiety. I feel like "park time" also equals "cardio time" for parents. Am I right?! Either way though, my little daredevil loves it, and it's neat to see him be so fearless. More so scary, but still pretty neat.