When you grow up seeing something everyday, it often becomes a part of your life without even realizing it. Maybe it's using the same kind of peanut butter your Mom used (we were a Skippy house), or maybe it's a brand of soap (Dove here), but either way, it influences your choices. And of course, it can be hard to break away from it or change it up when this is the norm. That's how it was for me and using certain laundry detergents and even dryer sheets. I know that might sound weird, but all my life I grew up with my Mom using Tide and Bounce sheets. So guess what? That's what I used. I watched my Mom do the laundry with that big orange bottle and that little orange box. Later on I then lugged that big bottle up and down my dorm room stairs, the box of sheets precariously perched on top of my laundry basket as I ventured to and from our building's laundry room. And later when I had my own family I found myself buying those same products.
But then along came Method. To be honest it was a hard sell for me. I liked what I liked and I wasn't interested in switching. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? But after hearing so many rave reviews about it and after learning so much about the company and their environmental consciousness through working with them, I decided to give Method laundry a whirl. Pun intended.
I tried Method's detergent first, and I wrote about it here. I fell in love with it for a million reasons, but one of the biggest was that the bottle was so darn small and easy to use. A few pumps and done. No messy caps, no over-using. Plus it was good for the environment and that made me feel good. Not to mention how clean my clothes felt.
So when Method came out with their revolutionary dryer-activated fabric softener spray (yes, I'm calling a household product revolutionary!) I was excited and no longer a hard sell.

You see, this little bottle is kind of magic. For one, did you know that other brands’ dryer sheets are often made out of polyethylene or polyester, meaning that they can’t be composted or recycled after use? They are also frequently made with animal fat in the form of tallow for softening. But Method's formula is made with coconut oil to make your clean clothes feel soft and fluffy (how awesome is that?) And two, the spray softens fabric, helps eliminate wrinkles and leaves a fresh scent. The formula is hypoallergenic and ultra-concentrated. Yay!
And finally...just watch this.
Have you tried this stuff yet? Do you love it as much as I do? If you haven't tried it yet, you can pick up some at Method's website, soap.com or you can try your local retailers like Target. And in the meantime, follow Method on Twitter and Facebook to find out about all the neat things they have going on.
In Love and Laundry,
p.s. I'm kind of serious about that sign off.
*post sponsored by method but all opinions expressed are my own. I still haven't met a method product I haven't loved!