coming up on 8 years together with this guy <3
So even though Sunday is winding down I think it's still okay to call these Weekend Links, right? It's been a good, productive weekend which is just what we've needed and we (okay, Hank!) have checked off so many things on our around-the-house to-do list. That always feel so good. We finally hung our new bedroom curtains we've had in the box for months and those alone changed the entire feel of the room. I'm so happy with how it turned out.
I hope you had a great weekend too. I have some fun things planned on the blog this week, and in the meantime, here are some links to check out. Enjoy!
How amazing is this custom monogram? Get your own (for FREE!) here.
Best post I've read all week on one of my most favorite blogs - 5 Things I Know at 25.
Have you signed up for the Phoenix Blogger Conference yet? Unfortunately I won't be attending but I wish I was able to! It looks really, really great.
Go say hi to Missi...I love her blog. She and her family are the cutest.
If you didn't already love Emma Stone, you will after seeing this video. Adorable.
Touch a Truck. Does your town do anything like this?
Okay, here is a no-heat curls tutorial that actually looks like something I could do! So cute.
I am IN LOVE with my new Poppy Love planner (shown below). It's perfect. And call me nerdy, but I can't wait to spend some time tonight filling it out. It's just so pretty and inspires me to be even more organized. I'll be using it to map out my blog posts, and I love how much room you have for each day.

The Best Drugstore Lipsticks. Such a great post and so informative!
I love Carl Sagan and I love this quote.
Dena's shop had its Grand Opening! Congrats, Fishers!
From my wishlist: loving these anchor print shorts.
If you have stretched earlobes, check out Hey Buddy Gauges. Back in the day my ears were stretched and I would have died over some of these.
40 Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down. Have you read some from this list?
I LOVE these bracelets. And this ring!
I'm not much a sweet-drink kinda gal, but this Fresh Lime Freeze looks like the perfect summer refresher.
This DIY Crochet Knit Necklace Tutorial is AMAAAAZING.
Sponsor love: check out Jamie's jewelry site, say hi to Dani (and her cute baby bump!), and
One of my dearest friends' weddings was featured on Vera Wang- seriously check out Emily's dress! Amazing.
I love Kelli Murray. I'm so happy to have her as a sponsor this month- she is SO talented.
This would be the sweetest Mother's Day present for any Mom.
Have you watched The Shine Project video yet?
So obsessed with this home tour. It's perfection.
Lately I've been trying to have an open mind and say yes to new things, so this was just perfect.
And finally, this week I asked my readers to send me some of their posts they were most proud of from the past week! I thought it would be fun for all of us to find some new blogs to explore. I received too many links to share at once, but here are a five. Thank you all for sending them my way! Enjoy!
- Lauren took a roadtrip through Scotland.
- Hot Fudge Cheesecake. Need I say more?
- Jennifer is giving me serious garden envy (and loads of inspiration!).
- Paris in film. So lovely.
- Megan sent me a link to a particular post on her new-to-me blog, and I pretty much fell in love with the whole thing.