Hello, hello! I wanted to take a minute and thank all of you who left such nice comments on Wednesday's post. My scan and x-rays went fine - I don't know why I get so nervous for medical things, but here I am at almost-30, shaking in my boots to get a needle in my arm. It is scary though when you go to the doctor and they say you need to get these serious things done immediately...it's so easy for my mind to run wild. Anyway, besides the strange injection they gave me for the CT that made me feel like I had peed my pants, the appointment was relatively simple. My results came back later that day, and although there was nothing in my throat (yay!) my thyroid is enlarged so I go in Monday for more testing. The doctor gave me the go-ahead for my LA trip though, and I am so thankful. Hoping some sea-air and relaxation will do me well.
So, that's what's going on in my neck of the woods. Get it? Neck of the woods? HA. ;) Anywaaay, I am flying out today at noon and will be back on Sunday or Monday to share all about my little adventure. In the meantime, here are some links to check out. Enjoy!
A Girl Scout-inspired bridal shower. So, so awesome.Have you watched the amazing method video yet? And if so, have you gotten that song out of your head yet?
Strawberry lemonade, anyone?
Passionfruit is up and running! I'm excited to check it out for myself.
The Polkadots sent Henry the sweetest package full of tee shirts, buttons and music! Seriously, if you have a little one, head on over. So much fun.
I really enjoy Carly's blog- especially posts like this.
Neat art over on Kelly Ann's blog.
I know I said this last week, but it's a good question- have you read the new issue of Gadchick yet?
Real men wear pink.
Need some fitness/healthy eating inspiration? Look no further...at one of my favorite blogs!
Anti-aging foods? Sign me up!
I'm so happy to have Ancient Shades as a sponsor this month, so pop over and have a look! I think their maps would be such an awesome gift for a friend who has moved, to remind them of home.
Oh my...this post is giving me an intense case of baby fever. And little girl fever! Could Harper be any cuter?!
I love reading about all of Abi's adventures!
Enjoyed this article about living in the now. It's a great read!
I love Valerie Vargas.
And finally, head over and check out these fine ladies and their blogs- one, two, and three.