Using my trusty camera along with some shop items and props, I had a bit of fun and threw together a handful of extremely romantic Sweet Love Vintage Valentine greetings for your Honey, Sweetie, Babe, Smooshypants, Boopsie-noonies, Babykins, Muffin Man, Punkinpoopoo, Shish Kabob, Butthead, or whatever term of endearment you call your love.

You've been naughty and you need a good lashin', Valentine.
I'll get the Latisse. Rawr!

An X and an O for my very special Ho. Be mine, yo!

I sorta love you like I sorta love my bed head.
You're funny but kinda gross and I'm always unsure about you.

I'm stiff for you. Can we play in the coffin now?

And my lips and my knee pits
and my neck and my toes
and my cheek with the mole
where that one black hair grows.

I need you're luv as much as I need spell chek.
Happy Velantine's Day!

I'm tired of you, Boo. It's time to put the brakes on this relationship.
Honk! Honk!

I can sum up my love for you with 5 sounds:

You may be dingy, but you are so tweet. Let's get squirrel-y. Stat!
Big exes and ohs from Sweet Love Vintage!