Felt Petal Pillow Tutorial (Horchow Knockoff)

You all know my love for pillows...
this one is my favorite by far!
One day while spending my day on Pinterest I found this cutie, you can see that pin here.
I knew it would be a perfect gift for someone special to me.
And I've included a tutorial for you!
This pillow took hours to make...
I'm not going to lie, I thought I was never going to finish.
But its just to beautiful not to make.
I'm actually making one for myself already.
Here's what you need...
1 yard of premium felt (found mine at Joanns). I had a 50% off coupon, so it was about $4.00, matching thread, fabric pencil, sewing machine, and a pillow form.

First thing you want to do is cut out the portion you are going to use for the pillow form.
I cut mine 21 x 21 (allowing an inch allowance).
Next you will start cutting out your petals.
My petals were about 1 inch wide by 2.5 inches long.
So I cut several 2.5 inch wide strips.
Once I had several petals cut I took a small 3.5 inch  dipping bowl to make random circles on my pillow square. Marking the circle with your fabric pencil.
For my flowers I used about 37 one inch petals and one 3 petal for the large, 12 one inch petals and one 3 petal for the medium, and 2 of the 3 petal ones for the small. Here's a pic if I confused you...
To sew them on I  laid them (without pining) and sewed them on slowing. The second and third row were done the same way.
The last part of the flower I hand sewed the (3 petal) to give it shape.
Once I sewed several large flowers on I sewed on the medium flowers using a small dipping sauce cup as a template.
This is how your going to make your pillow look fuller.
After I filled the bigger spaces with the medium flowers I took 2 of the 3 petal's and filled in the smaller areas.
Now what a wonderful way to make someone something beautiful!
What do you think?
Thanks for stopping by! And a warm welcome to all my new friends. Also wanted to give a big thank you to Domestically Speaking and Sassy Sites for featuring my Pottery Barn Life Size Ruler.