Welcome 2012!!!


Oh my friends how are you?!?!?! It has been so weird to go from posting almost every day for the last 3 months, to nothing the past three weeks, but we had a WONDERFUL Christmas break together as a family and I hope you enjoyed your holiday as well!!!

The Mr. started his FIRST day of Classes for the LAST semester today and so we're finally getting back into the routine of having a routine. Oh how I love my structure! :) It's nice to be able to do nothing for awhile and not feel guilty for going to bed early, spending a whole night watching movies, keeping the kids up WAY too late hopped up on nothing but sugar, buuuut I have to say by the time the "vacay's" over I am SO ready to get back to my nice, organized, OCD life! :)

Sooooo, I've spent the last week trying to get ready for the next 5 months. Organizing, goal setting, new years resolutions...just kinda all of that. I'm not a 'resolution' kinda gal per-say, but when I feel like my life is about to spin out of control because there is SO much going on, so many un-knowns, so many changes a comin', I do whatever I can to keep that spin in a hand-reaching radius because I'm a big fan of being in control. (I'm getting better :) ) And what I CAN do-amidst all the spinning-is prioritize, make lists, make more lists, and balance-super important while spinning and kind of the key to NOT falling :).

My 'Goals for 2012' list consisted of six things. Some are things I just want to accomplish by the end of the year, some are things that will need to be done weekly and some are things that I need to do everyday. A couple of them are for my own personal growth, a couple of them are specific to my kids, but most of them include things that will benefit my whole family and our relationships.

I realized after I had made my very short list, that if I truly wanted to achieve these goals balance was going to be the key. So THEN I took my 7 day week, a list of all the things I need to do in a week to be working through my goals, and a calendar and planned out what "goal" per-say, I'll be working on each night. I guess I'm telling you all this mumbo-jumbo so you kinda know what to expect this coming year here on Love Sweet Love.

If things work out *perfectly* :) week to week I'll have posts coming up on Tuesdays and Fridays. Maybe if I find a little extra time here and there I'll post randomly another day during the week or if some weeks are weird the days will shift a little, but the goal is for my craft blog to have new projects posted on those days!

I know that's not very much, and I hope you're not disappointed or think I'm a slacker, TRUST me I wish I could craft and blog every day-ha ha, but I really want to focus on my kids this year and make sure I'm doing absolutely EVERYTHING I can be doing to help them grow and learn and have FUN!

My little boy will be turning FIVE years old next month which means I only have 7 months with him before he goes to Kindergarten!! I don't want to look back once he's in school and think..."when did he grow up?!" I want to think..."I was there for all of it, I watched him grow up!" So during their 'quiet time' during the day (they don't nap anymore so they have quiet time in their rooms) I would usually blog, but I'll be using that time this year to be doing some one-on-one learning activities and projects with them so I will only be crafting/blogging at nights now, and even then there are a few other things I need to be doing with my nights to achieve my balance and get some of my goals checked off so I won't be blogging as much as I was at the end of last year. I hope you understand and will still come back every week to see what's going on!!

Aaaaand believe it or not I am already all decorated for Valentines day :) so I have lots of mushy, gushy, PINK love headed your way the next couple of weeks!!! I have all of January's posts and most of February's planned out so start gettin' excited and get those hearts of yours ready for some serious LOVE!!!

Know what else I seriously love?!?! Shabby Apple!! If you haven't already burned through all your Christmas cash, make it go a lot further by spending it at Shabby Apple because they are kicking off the New Year with 20% off SITE WIDE!This sale last the entire month of January. Use code NEWYEAR at checkout to get 20% off. Just click below to start saving!!

Dresses from Shabby Apple

Happy Shopping! Thanks so much for stopping by on my first day back in the new year, talk to ya soon!!