This wooden board had been sitting in my living room since before Christmas (Thank You Daddy).
And well, with all the holiday hoopla and Christmas vacation I had no time.
But since everyone is back at school and work,
I'm free again! Hallelujah!!!
This is what I needed for this project.
Krylon Matte Finish Sealer (found mine at Walmart), tape measure, ruler, sharp pencil, Paint Pen (also found at Walmart), printed 200 pt century font and board (found at Home Depot, and whats really sweet about this board is, it has a groove on one side which really resembles an old wooden ruler).
You can find the same board at Home Depot.
My dad prepped it by giving it a good stain. (I'm sorry but I have no idea what he used).
Here's what I did first...
I measured an inch up one side of the board making every third inch 2 inches long
and every first and second 1 inch long.
Next I used my paint pen to outline each line.
I first tried to use a ruler, BUT the paint ran and made a huge mess.
So free handing the lines is my VERY helpful hint.
After outlining all your lines, and your paint dries,
your going to take your printed letters (I cut mine out) and trace them with a sharp pencil.
And then outline and fill in with paint pen.
WARNING: Filling in the last number, you may hear angels singing....
this took time!!
Last step was spraying it with my sealer and adding a hanger.
This is what I used.
What do you think?
Now I kinda wish my kiddies were home to take my last picture.
This is the perfect way to record your kids height.
I already know that this is something I will treasure for ever.
Maybe when I get old and start shrinking I can record my height =)
Thanks for stopping by! Wanted to welcome all my new friends and a big THANK YOU to Tatertots and Jello and Creations By Kara for featuring by Laundry Room Redo.
I'm partying over Creations by Kara, Domestically Speaking, Savvy Southern Style, My Girlish Whims, DIY by Design, Homestories A to Z, Coastal Charm, Between Naps on the Porch, Brassy Apple, C.R.A.F.T., The DIY Showoff, I Heart Naptime, Positvely Splendid, Be Different Act Normal, Tatertots and Jello, Finding Fabulous, Chic on a Shoestring, The Shabby Nest, Sassy Sites, My Romantic Home, My Repurposed Life, French Country Cottage, The Shabby Creek Cottage, House of Hepworths, Crafty, Scrappy, Happy, No Minimalist Here, Kristens Creations, and The 36th Avenue, head on over and check them out!