Foyer Fun

I can finally cross painting my foyer off my long list.
Geesh, let me tell ya... its been fun! (high vaulted ceilings.. yeah right)
Have you tried taping vaulted ceilings?
I have so many plans for this space, painting is just one of them.
And I really had to jump on it because my hubby was scheduled to have hand surgery this week...
And he's "THE PAINTER" so I couldn't just put this off for the next few months...
It went from builder white...
(excuse the paint sample)
To London Fog by BM...
(I'm apologizing now for the horrible lighting)
This is to the right of the front door looking into the dining area.
View from opposite the front door.
View from front room (which is my new formal dining room)
This is opposite the couch
This is opposite the stairs
(excuse the other rooms mess, I sorta threw everything in there that was in the foyer)

I just love this gray in the light it looks like it may have a hint of baby blue
and in the shade it looks grayish-beige.

Here's a peek of what else I've been doing in here...check back soon for your chance to win one of your own.

Thanks for stopping by and for all the wonderful comments! You all really do make my day!