Skeleton Princess Costume

Are you holding your breath right now in pure excitement over the anticipation of the costume reveal of my little Kylee?! Whew, I am!! This has been a mad crazy week of costume decisions, costume failures, pin pricks, sore fingers, non-wash-off-your-hands-psycho-glue, tulle coming out my ears, all wrapped up in a glitter utopia. Perfection.

After failed attempts at obtaining a batgirl, spidergirl, and/or supergirl costume (can you tell her brother is being a superhero :) ) she was devastated and I was quickly losing time.

I finally took her to a Halloween store, gave her 4 costume choices and said, "pick ONE!" And of course since it was 7 days before Halloween they didn't have any good costumes in her size, so when she decided on the skeleton princess in a girls medium (she wears a 3T) I promised her I'd make her the skeleton princess costume of her dreams! :)

The one at the store was a grey skeleton with a silky white skirt...we went in more of the PINK direction! She is head-over-heels in love with it and her older brother (4) gives her rave reviews every time she puts it on, which makes her burst into a fit of giggles. Love.

To make this skeleton more princessy I opted for a tulle tutu. I've made these a few times and they're SO simple that I thought I'd include a quick tutorial in this post in case your little ballerina (niece, friend, neighbor) is need of one too!

1. Start with 1" thick elastic (mine is from JoAnns) and measure around the child's waist to see where to pin it. My little girl is almost 3 (granted she's on the tiny side) but my elastic measures 18". You'll want to cut a little bit extra so you have room to safety pin it so I think I cut about 20".
2. Cut your fabric into strips. I used black cotton and pink, black and silver tulle. I wanted her skirt to hang down about 9" so I cut 20" strips b/c you fold it in half and tie it around the elastic. (and mine are 2" wide)
3. Next slide the folded strip of fabric underneath your elastic
4. Then open the folded edge and guide the tail end of the fabric from the front and into the opening to make a loop
5. Pull the tails up through the loop
6. And tighten it by pulling downwards
7. REPEAT all the way around the elastic until your skirt is as full as you want!
While tying the fabric around and around the elastic, slide the elastic band up around your thigh. It helps keep everything in place, pull the fabric tight, AND make sure your getting as much fabric as you can on the band to get that really full look.

Next was the skeleton part. I picked up this long sleeve black shirt and black leggings from Walmart for $3.50 each. While Ky was wearing the shirt and pants I pinned where I wanted the bones to sit.

I then used the pink felt fabric above (idea to use felt from my dear friend Maranda who made some for her and her husband!) and free-handed some bones. After they were all cut out, I pinned them onto the shirt to make sure I liked how it looked and then spent the next 8 hours little while gluing them on with fabric glue. Maranda sewed hers on, but after my last 3 weeks full of sewing projects I'm on a sewing strike and opted to go with glue. :)

Ta-Da! All dried and ready for trick-or-treating!

When I saw this child's black witch wig at Walmart for $5, I knew it would add the perfect touch to her costume! I sprayed it all over with silver sparkle glitter spray (for hair), pulled 'em up into piggies (what we call pigtails), and tied some black and pink ribbons around the rubber bands.

Costume complete.

I was TOTALLY going to wait until Monday to post my kids in their costumes, but when I was going through editing photos last night I just could NOT help myself from including just ONE, itty bitty, sneak peek picture cause it's just too darn cute on her! Eeeek I love it! :)

Thank you so so much for stopping by today! I love sharing little bits and pieces of my life and crafting with you cause yall are just so darn nice! :) Have a SPOOKERIFIC weekend friends, I'll stop in just for a quick minute on Monday with some more costume pictures!!

Linking up to these great parties as well as...