These past few days have been wonderful, and one of those weekends that you really don't want to end. It started off with Taylor Swift on Friday with Sarah. She had gotten us tickets months ago so it was really exciting that the day had finally come! It's funny though because even though Sarah is one of my close friends, I had no idea that she was a Taylor Swift "superfan." I consider myself to definitely be a Taylor fan, but I don't know every word to every song, or even the story or meaning behind all of them. Sarah definitely did, as well as every word she would say during the show due to watching so many youtube videos! ha! It was awesome. The show was great and I pretty much fell even more in love with the lovely Ms. Swift. She's so adorable and her sweet personality really shines through, even from the stage. The set design was out of this world also- I loved all of the various scenes and artwork, and beyond that all of her outfits were to die for. Overall it was a really fun night and I went to bed with a smile on my face.

The next day Hank and I woke up early and headed out for a day of fall and winter shopping. My Mom graciously watched Henry, so Hank and I spent the day out and about, shopping and then lunching at Green. It was a ton of fun and we got a lot check off of our to do/to get lists. We got home later in the day and got ready for Chad and Michelle's wedding reception, then headed over. Michelle's Aunt hosted it at her house and it was SUCH a good time. Really delicious food and sweets, and I even got to reconnect with someone I hadn't talked to in years and years. It was fun to celebrate Chad and Michelle, and they sure know how to throw a party. Hank and I got silly in the photobooth, ate too many cookies, spent time with great friends, and drove home listening to top 40 radio. Success? I think so.

Sunday was family day so we did my parent's usual Sunday morning routine with them. Breakfast, then Trader Joe's. We picked up tons of fun things, including some delicious pumpkin cream cheese. Yum! I can't wait until TJ's opens up here in just a few months. So many of my favorite things come from there, and not having to stock up every few weeks when we're down in the valley is going to be fabulous. So we shopped, then spent Sunday doing family stuff, and ending our weekend with the biggest vegan meal courtesy of my mama before we hit the road.
Fall at Trader Joe's! My favorite.
It was a great weekend! :) I hope you had a good one, too! xoxo