You know how much I LOVE DOVEY my wreaths, so I just couldn't help but make another one for the inside (you can see my outside wreath here) of my house! I love how my Valentine felt wreath turned out so I thought I'd give it a go for Halloween!
Want to make one too? Here's how!...
What you'll need:
-styrofoam round wreath (mine is 12")
-felt (I used 1/2 yard of black and 1/2 yard of orange but if you were going to make an all black or orange wreath you would need 1 yd.)
-straight pins
First trace a circle onto cardstock to be the size you want your felt circles to be (mine were 3"). Pin to your fabric to use as a guide to cut out all your circles.
You will cut A LOT of circles (I ended up with double of what you see here)!
Since I was doing 2 different colors I wanted them to be evenly placed around the circle, so I used a measuring tape and pencil to mark where on the wreath each color section would start/stop.
Now, start your wreath! Take one circle, fold it half and then half again. Then take one straight pin and poke it through the bottom tip of your felt.
It should look like this before you pin it to the styrofoam.
Then pin, pin, pin! I like the really FULL look so I pinned each felt triangle close together to fit as many on as I could.
Then I just worked my way around the wreath in sections till it was all full!
Love it!
...and the inside of the circle...
...and both out-sides to make sure you see felt no matter what angle you're looking at it from.
Whaddya think?! Festive? Easy enough?! And felt is super cheap so this is an in-expensive wreath to make-my fav!
Did you see this little guy popping out in the first picture?! I have a couple of these critters around the house and I'll show you the quick and easy tutorial for them tomorrow!
Thanks for dropping by today, I'm so glad you're here! Hope all your Halloween plans are falling into place...I'm about halfway through an interesting costume choice for my indecisive little girl-ha ha! See ya tomorrow!
Linking up to these great parties as well as: