So today I was just really in the mood to laugh, so I turned to my good friend Pinterest and sure enough she came through for me. I stole-aka re-pinned- these from my friends on pinterest so don't be surprised if you recognize them! Enjoy!
(You can find all of these on my Have a Laugh board if you want to re-pin them too!)

What?! For reals.



Simply delighted. It's what I live for ya know.

Nuff' said.

Ha ha love it!

My husband is THE worst at responding to texts. The Worst!

No words needed. Love.


Ha ha!

So true, so true.

parenting at its finest.

...just sayin'
Now go enjoy your weekend and don't forget to laugh because after all...

See ya next week! I have so so so much in store for you...EEEK!
See ya next week! I have so so so much in store for you...EEEK!