The wedding took place at this house- Corin's parents' home, the same house she grew up in with her sister Caitlyn, and the same house that holds so many of our most special growing up memories. This was the place I was as my little sister was being born, it's the home where there were countless parties, sleepovers, and get-togethers. A place full of memory and tradition. So seeing Corin get married there was very special and pretty emotional. I felt like we had come full circle. I sat there, my husband next to me and our son on my lap, and thought about child-me, looking forward at this moment. I know she'd be proud.
The happiness she and John share is so apparent, and it was awesome to be at a wedding that was so full of love, in such a familiar, happy, and absolutely gorgeous place. Their backyard goes on for miles, and Mother Nature did not let us down with the blue, blue sky and big fluffy clouds. It was perfect.
Here are some photos:

best friends since college

Abe, Uncle John, and Lauren

Cor and her Dad walking in

first dance

Corin, John, and us

My Mom and Maureen have been best friends since kindergarten...and my Mom even introduced her to her hubby Kevin! These are four of my most favorite people in the whole entire world.

Maureen and my Mom