However I am SO happy to have finally caught the pinning fever. It is SO easy! Let me just tell you; in a word document saved on my computer, I had FOUR pages of saved URL links for projects I wanted to remember to try. All-in-all this method served its purpose, but going from that to Pinterest was like going from having a pager to having a cell phone.
A lot of my saved links didn't have the title of what the project was, so sometimes when I wanted to find a certain project I had saved I had to go through 2 pages of links just to find it. This saves ALL that time! I spent all night Sat. night going through my saved word document and saving each link into my pinterest account and now I can find my projects easily because I can see the picture. Genius! How did I not do this sooner?! Trust me on this, if you have thought about doing it sign up now, it is so fun! Aaaand, for added convenience, they have a button you can put right up on your toolbar so anytime you see an image of anything you like on the web (clothes, food, crafts, shoes,etc), you just click on the image and then click the 'pin it' button on your toolbar and you're done! Saved forever for you to reference back to in the future.
Just for an example here are 2 of the boards I have on pinterest (you can create boards for any category you like-giving you even MORE ease to find what you've saved...aka pinned-I'm still new at this :) ) This is part of my 'artwork' board:
This is part of my 'for the home' board:
You can also follow along with other peoples pinterest boards so if you see someone has a similar style as you, you can follow them and when they update their boards it will show you what pictures they have pinned and you can re-pin them to your board if you want. This may sound confusing, but it's the easiest thing ever and Pinterest has a great help board that will answer any questions. Just get started, I promise you'll love it!
The silly thing is that you have to request an invite (which is what I did) and it took 2 weeks for them to accept it and invite me to sign up. The cool thing is that when I signed up they gave me 6 invitations that I can pass along, which would mean you wouldn't have to wait to sign up! (oh and signing up is FREE!) So if you're not already pinning let me know by leaving your email address in the comments and I'll send you an invite! (I'm not getting anything for this, it's just something I wish I would have had so I didn't have to wait!!!)
Let me know if you do sign up, or if you already have an account, because I would love to follow your board and see what you're pinning!! If you want to check out more of my pictures on pinterest or follow along with me just click HERE! Thanks for stopping by Love Sweet Love today, you are the GREATEST!! Happy pinning :)