Onto better news...these FANTASTIC projects my followers are doing!
J&M's Eye Candy Strawberry Flags looks scrumptious!! I can't wait to make these for the 4th of July party we're having!
Sweet Peas and Bumblebees sharks in the pool is such a fun idea that my kids would think was SO awesome!

I love Moore Babies patriotic wreath and the idea she had to add flags to the center-perfection!
How sweet is this Butterfly Kissing Ball Inspired by Giving created?! I made a few of these for valentines day, but how perfect to add a little butterfly to one for spring. Simply beautiful!
And now a little shout out to these ladies for trying their hand at the bean balls I made a couple weeks ago! Thanks for sharing them with me ladies, I'm so excited to feature you!
Thrifty 101 made some in the same colors I used, didn't she do a fantastic job!

And Flour Blossoms created a set in Red, White, and Blue for the 4th of July! So festive!

Thanks to all you ladies for your inspiration and for being a follower of Love Sweet Love and a thanks to all of you for being here today! Have a GREAT weekend and a HAPPY fathers day! See you back here Monday okay?!