I have a very inquisitive 4 year old and an impatiently persistent 2 year old that are both interested in time, yet at different places in their understanding of it. For example conversations with my 4 year old go like this:
Me: Are you so excited to go to the fire-station for pre-school on Thur.?!
Him: (squealing) YEEESSS! I better go get my fireman hat!
Me: No not right now, on Thursday. Like the same day we go to the library.
Him: Oh ya, after my quiet time!
Me: No after 2 more quiet times and 2 more night times.
Him: Oh...(so sad) like a looooong time away.
And the conversations with my 2 year old like this:
Me: Yay, we get to see *Sara on Wed. for playgroup!
Her: Ok, I'll go get my shoes!
Me: Oh no not today, tomorrow!
Her: (BURSTING into dramatic, heaving sobs while throwing her head back like only a real drama queen can) No mama, TODAY is Wednesday!
Me: Nope, tomorrow...like after you wear your princess jammies one time and then get dressed in the morning.
Her: (still wailing as if I've asked her to eat broccoli-heaven forbid-and has now flung herself onto the floor) Noooooo. I can't wear my princess jammies never ever again, only my shoes on!
Hmmmm....So I can't even tell you how excited i was to find THIS tutorial over at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar! Cheri explained the exact same situation we have going on over at my house and this solution has been perfect! Now I can use the same idea to help both my kids understand time in their own way. The What's Up Weekly Board!
We (Mr. Sweet Love helped out a little with the manly part of the project!) first picked up a 12x24 piece of sheet metal from Lowes and a 1x2 piece of wood which he then cut into 4 parts to create the frame for the metal. He then connected the wood by drilling in wood screws and using wood glue to make sure the joints would hold together.
After a light, all over, sanding I spray painted it a light green. Once the paint was dry he drilled the sheet of metal to the back of the wood frame with small screws. I then used a cricut to cut vinyl letters for each day of the week, as well as a narrow strip to separate each day and spaced them evenly apart down the length of the metal.
Next I picked up one of these wood stars (already painted yellow/orange) and used a red paint marker I had to draw a dotted line around the outside star and write 'Today Is' in the center.
Cheri offered her drawings for use to make the magnets for the board and I thought they were pretty stinkin' cute (and already done!) so I just printed THESE out on my computer, as well as drew a few myself that worked for our family, and took them to Staples to be laminated. I picked up a roll of magnet (with adhesive on the back) from walmart and cut a small magnet square to stick to the back of each picture and it was complete!

It sits on a small wall between the kitchen/dining area, right at the level of the light switch so the kids can move around the magnets and star themselves!

My 2 year old is still
Thanks for coming over to my little corner of the world today to share in some of my Sweet Love! Check back soon for some fun with kidney beans! I know...who knew right?!

Linking up to the parties listed in my tab above as well as here: