I actually made this wreath before I started blogging so unfortunately I don't have a step-by-step process for you with pictures, but you'll need these supplies:
I already had the spray paint, glue gun, glue sticks and bag of kidney beans (expired food storage :) ) so the only thing I had to purchase was the circle wreath (bought from JoAnns with 40% off coupon so it was $2.40) and the ribbon to hang it (Walmart for $1).
1. First you'll want to spray paint your wreath red so that the white from the styrofoam won't show through the spaces in between the kidney beans.
*A spray-painting tip: whenever you spray paint styrofoam (which I'm sure is all the time :) ) just do a light coat. I learned this lesson the hard way and spray painted a styrofoam ball one time with too heavy of a coat and it melts/shrinks/disintegrates-what have you, the styrofoam. My husband went into this way long explanation of chemical reactions and blah blah blah, but I won't bore you with that(even if I could remember it), just...don't do it. The purpose of painting it red first is just so you have a base color-not to actually create a red styrofoam wreath.
2. Next, you begin gluing the beans onto the wreath. I did mine just one row at a time. This is the best close-up picture I have where you can kind of see how the lines are created. Just don't put too much hot glue down at a time so that it dries before you can put on your beans.
3. Go all the way around and around and around the outside, front and inside of the wreath, but you don't have to do the back because no one will see that!

4. Make some kind of way to hang it up using ribbon!
5. Hang that baby on your wall!
6. See how much Sweet Love people give you on your fabulous new decoration! That YOU made! All by yourself! :)
Thanks so much for coming to visit me today! It means the world to me that you're here! Have a wonderful day wherever YOU are!
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