That means that today I'll be over at her blog posting a tutorial, while she so graciously will be sharing a tutorial right here with you, that you will want to stop what you're doing right now to do! (well not right, right now because first you'll want to spend the next hour perusing her amazing blog) This woman is talented, smart, a creative genius and SO kind! But I'll let her fill you in on the rest...
Hey there!
I'm Bec from Little Lucy Lu, and I am so excited to be blog swapping with Angela today!
(How SWEET is this blog of hers, anyway!?:-)
Little Lucy Lu is a blog about my life as a wife, mama, and
kindergarten teacher .... including (but not limited to!) some crafty
projects, my vintage-inspired style, my shopping addiction, my venture
to learn photography, a recipe or two ... and most importantly, my
Little Lucy Lu! :-)
The first project I put on my blog a few months ago was some alphabet magnets I made for Lucy to play with ....
I thought they were a much cuter option than the plastic ones you buy
at the store! Don'tcha think!?
Today, I'm going to show you a slightly different option that is
useful for BIG people, too! :-)
Once again, I started with these babies. Round wooden discs from
the craft store.
(They cost a few bucks for a package of about 20.)
I spray painted the discs with my hardware store's brand
in High Seas Blue.
I added cool-font alphabet stickers .... an S, M, I, L, and E.
I brushed on a layer of mod podge so that the stickers won't
peel off!
Then, just like my original project, I sanded the edges and
applied Distress Ink to give them the worn-out look I like.
Below, you can see the difference between the distressed (left) and
non-distressed (right) discs.
I personally think it makes a big difference .... but if you would
prefer it without the distressing, your magnets would be even
easier! :)~
The final step is to glue magnets (from the craft store) on the
back ... I used gorilla glue. :-)
And here is the finished product!
(On a cutie-patootie framed magnetic board I'll be showing on my blog
I hope you like 'em! And I hope you'll visit me over at Little Lucy Lu sometime!
(Thanks, Angela ... it's been fun swappin' with ya'! :-)
What'd I tell ya? So FUN right?! And speaking of FUN Bec holds a party every Friday called Fun-Day Friday where people link up anything and everything FUN from their week! You will definitely want to stop by and see the amazing projects people link up! 

Now come on over to Little Lucy Lu and give her some Sweet Love from our blog and if you like what you see (which you will) and you want to copy every one of her ideas (which you will) and you want to see more cute pictures of her little lucy (which you will) then you better become a follwer so you don't miss out (which you might)! Oh yea AND to see what I have in store for you over there! Here's a peek:

Also don't forget to enter my giveaway going on now!

Also don't forget to enter my giveaway going on now!