I have a love/hate relationship with snow.
I think it is absolutely one of the most beautiful things to WATCH. Sitting in your house-in your comfy pjs- the reflection of the Christmas tree lights in the window, a cup of hot chocolate-w/ mini marshmallow in your lap, Christmas music softly playing on the stereo, the smell of Christmas cookies baking in the oven...snow falling outside the window makes that whole scene perfection. It makes it feel like Christmas. I'm sorry if it doesn't snow where you live cause you are really missing out :).
But I HATE (more than I hate Christmas shopping on Christmas eve in a crowded mall) playing in it, driving in it, having it drench my freshly blow dried hair, and my frozen fingers and ears after I walk from the house to the mailbox and back. Buuuuuut I have kids. Which means I play in it, I drive in it, I never do my hair and I wear earmuffs, gloves and coats that make me look like the abominable snowman on steroids.
I've learned to deflect the kids pleads to build a snowman in the middle of a blizzard by saying, "Oh we HAVE to wait till daddy comes home because he would be SO sad if we made a snowman without him!!" Then they go outside and play with daddy, and I'm the one that's ready with the hot chocolate and cookies and warm snuggles on the couch when they come inside. It works, so I'm ok with it. The snow I mean.
I tell you all this 1. because it's on my mind because it's snowing today and 2. because I think my wreath looks like a snowball that exploded (from a stick of dynamite).
I think it is absolutely one of the most beautiful things to WATCH. Sitting in your house-in your comfy pjs- the reflection of the Christmas tree lights in the window, a cup of hot chocolate-w/ mini marshmallow in your lap, Christmas music softly playing on the stereo, the smell of Christmas cookies baking in the oven...snow falling outside the window makes that whole scene perfection. It makes it feel like Christmas. I'm sorry if it doesn't snow where you live cause you are really missing out :).
But I HATE (more than I hate Christmas shopping on Christmas eve in a crowded mall) playing in it, driving in it, having it drench my freshly blow dried hair, and my frozen fingers and ears after I walk from the house to the mailbox and back. Buuuuuut I have kids. Which means I play in it, I drive in it, I never do my hair and I wear earmuffs, gloves and coats that make me look like the abominable snowman on steroids.
I've learned to deflect the kids pleads to build a snowman in the middle of a blizzard by saying, "Oh we HAVE to wait till daddy comes home because he would be SO sad if we made a snowman without him!!" Then they go outside and play with daddy, and I'm the one that's ready with the hot chocolate and cookies and warm snuggles on the couch when they come inside. It works, so I'm ok with it. The snow I mean.
I tell you all this 1. because it's on my mind because it's snowing today and 2. because I think my wreath looks like a snowball that exploded (from a stick of dynamite).
There are LOTS of coffee filter wreath tutes out there, but I loved the one from Little Miss Momma's blog. I've done felt wreaths, rag wreaths, yarn wreaths, and bean wreaths so for Christmas I wanted to get a little different and thought this style would be perfect for the season.
It is SOOOO simple and requires only 3 things and has only 3 steps:
-Styrofoam wreath form (mine's 12")
-coffee filters (I used 3 packs from the dollar store)
-Glue gun (I used about 5 sticks of glue)
1. Start by using a thick marker, highligher, etc (mine's a permanent marker) and fold the filter down around the top of it
2. put some hot glue on the flat part of the filter
3. Stick it to the wreath (the marker keeps your fingers from burning-great tip from LMM!) And that's it!
You can really do the placement of the filters however's easiest for you, but I did mine by doing one row at a time starting on the outer edge of the styrofoam and working my way up and in. For example, in the picture above, the flat styrofoam you can see is the back of the wreath- where it lays against the wall. I went all the way around the wreath till I got back to the first filter I put on and then started the next filter right above the first row.
I did three rows on the outside of the wreath and three rows on the front of the wreath. This picture is what it looked like with the 3 rows on the outside and 1 on the top.
Once the sides and top were filled, I flipped it over and did just one layer on the inside...
Since my front door is white/off white/creamish or something, I added a red bow (from the $store-where else?!) to make it stand out just a little. I also added a red ribbon to the back (just using straight pins) but I've since taken that off and just hung it on the hook because I don't like the way you can see the hook sticking out from the back.
And just in case you're thinking...that's not that big, here's a little visual proof. Compared to this wreath and this wreath, also hung here, you can tell this is insane. It gives the word 'fluffy' a whole new meaning. LMM's tutorial said to put the filters very close together but I think I took that a little too literally. If I did it again I think I would only do 2 rows on top and 2 rows on the sides, unfortunately hot glue isn't very forgiving! :)
Snow anyone????
P.S. My husband's only comment to this wreath was, "that would be really cool to light on fire." Then did some weird hand gesture and a sound effect and smiled. Seriously?! Some days I don't know how we're married.
Thanks for stopping in today, I hope you are taking time to enjoy the spirit of the season that comes just once a year! Have a great weekend and I'll see you back here Sunday where I'm kicking off the Creating Christmas week, as a co-host with The Girl Creative, (A WHOLE week-as in all 7 days) where there will be lots of Christmas goodies for you to come see! I have some GREAT guest posters lined up to help me out and I can't wait for you to see their projects!!!
Linking up to these great parties as well as: