Okay, well not quite space, but cyberspace!!! I was very excited to stumble upon a new blog this week - and it is by my favorite new Archbishop of New York, His Emminence Timothy Dolan!!
Now, I have to say, I didn't have anything more than a passing knowlegde of Archbishop Dolan before he became the spiritual leader of Gotham, but since he has taken on one of the most important seats of Catholic leadership in the country, I have been increasingly impressed with this man of God.
Too often in our beloved Church today orthodoxy seems to be paired with anger. We can be (rightly) perceived as a very angry Church. Well, the Truth is glorious, it is never angry, and one of the things that I love about Archbishop Dolan is that he has a wonderful way of conveying the Truths of the faith (even the ones that might be socially controversial) with an authority and just as importantly with a joy that is so uplifting! This is the Truth that will set you free!!!
So, imagine my excitement when I noticed on another blog (Whispers In The Loggia), that the good Archbishop now has his own blog!! Take some time to check it out here: The Gospel in the Digital Age.
Of course, Archbishop Dolan isn't breaking new ground here. Another of my favorite blogs to read regularly is by my own Cardinal Archbishop of Boston Sean O'Malley (Cardinal Sean's Blog).There are a few other bishops who are also blogging regularly.
I can't help but think what a good thing this is. It gives us a great access to our Shepherds and an access that is not quite as formal as the official proclamation or sermon or typical way that we hear from them. And this seems closer to the earlier experience of the Church when Bishops were truly local pastors who knew their flocks and their flocks knew them.
So, thanks for reading my blog!! But, also take a moment to check out Archbishop Dolan's new effort!!
God bless!!